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The creator of sha.dez, Ingram Smith was born in 1986 in the state of Alabama. Born into a military family, Ingram was moving every two to four years like most military families. In private school until the 5th grade when he went to his first public school is when he discovered that he would have a whole new look on life. Getting to where what he wanted to school for the first time, he came across the reality of most kids that are in the lower and middle class. The outfits that he would wear would only get him but so far. 


        In 2003, when he attended Surrattsville high school in Clinton, MD he discovered his passion of being a creator. Having background in sewing and art, with art being his favorite subject, he then started to create his own clothing. He went from having to switch up between 10 outfits for the whole school year to having his own line.  He started with his favorite cartoon characters from the looney tunes, Bugs bunny and Daffy Duck. Drawing them in hip hop clothing with puffy paint on shirts. Not having a name for the clothing yet he started to contemplate on what it should be could.


         The first name he came up with was shadez and a umbrella for the logo. This worked for a whole year with a couple of fellow student clients. Soon after taking the name to get it trademarked he found out the the name was taken. He ended up giving up on the line and joined the local boxing gym and took up boxing. Then in 2005 after he graduated high school, he joined the United States Air Force to join the aF boxing team. After being hustled into joining he would soon find out that it wasn't possible to join the boxing team and it would be to late to back out.  



         His first duty station being in Japan, Ingram fell in love with a whole new culture. He was sent to Iraq to join the forces in the not once but two times and decided after he got back that he would find a way to get out of the military. After New Years 2011 in Las Vegas, Nevada he got out the only way he could, with failing a drug test.  5 months later he was released from the military with a other than honorable discharge. With his new found freedom he picked up the musical Side of art.  Learning to produce and make his own beats as well as Dj' ing he fell in love with the art.  Looking for new gear to wear to his shows he recreated the brand of sha.dez.



           In 2016, after working several serving jobs and promoting for clubs all around D.C. he would rediscover his passion of clothing. He came out with a clothing line called RAW GANG, which stood for (Real All Week Genuine Apparel New Generation) and the clothing line took off quick. It took off too quick for him as people were affiliating the clothing line with gangs and treating the brand inappropriately. He ended up dropping the clothing line name and recreating shadez. This time he would put a meaning behind it. With background studies in religion and the law of attraction he put his mind to work coming up with SHA.DEZ. 


            This time it wasn't just shadez, instead it was Sha (Showing how artists) Dez (Detect every zone). With the name taken care of he took to drawing up a logo. With a short glimpse of the logo in the he remembered from his dreams he saw and innerstood exactly what it was and from who.  The brand now had a logo that took on the meaning of creation. From the streets all the way to the church this logo had it all. Following his dreams to help the world innerstand that they can create their own reality bringing heaven on earth to everyone.

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